The question is, do we want to do something about the problem? We certainly can if we really want to. We can't do everything but we can do something. The Liquid Zoo lost their liquor license in Kelowna because the General Manager was of the view that the association of Mr. Raffele with a member of the Hells Angels made Mr. Raffele a person “not fit and proper” to hold a liquor licence.
The The Liquor Control and Licensing Act states that:
16 (1) A licence must not be issued, renewed or transferred if, in the general manager's opinion, the applicant
(a) is not a fit and proper person,
(2.1) The general manager may at any time, on the general manager's own initiative, if the general manager thinks it necessary or desirable, determine whether a licensee is a fit and proper person.
(3) A licence must not be issued, renewed, transferred or amended if, in the general manager's opinion, it would be contrary to the public interest.
So there are two issues on the table. First is fit and proper. Second is public interest. Obviously Dale Habib's appeal of the decision which resulted in the decision being set aside and reviewed was flawed. It is not in the public interest to reopen the Liquid Zoo. In addition, Dave lied. Dave Habib claimed he was the owner of the club and sold it to the people who bought the Liquid Zoo. That simply was not true.
Dale Habib was the owner of Senor Frog's which had a suspicious fire and relocated on Lawrence Avenue. He then sold it to Charles Guy Stanley who turned it into Champagne Charlies. If Dave Habib still owned the club at that time then he was a co owner with Hells angel Guy Charles Stanley which would make him as unfit and improper to hold a liquor license as Mr. Raffele was for his association with Damiano Dipopolo.
Dave Habib's association with his brother who is the President of a Hells Angels puppet club and his other two brothers charged in a multi million dollar Oxycontin fraud make him not fit and proper to hold a liquor license. Any court that claims the city is not allowed to revoke a liquor license for criminal activity and associations not in the public interest is a lawless enabler for organized crime.
Now this brings us to the Whiterock chapter of the Hells Angels owning a strip club in Surrey that was the hub of a major cross border drug ring. Trevor Jones and Randy Jones' involvement in that drug ring make them not fit and proper to hold a liquor license in Surrey. Period. Tbarz should lose it's liquor license.
The Whiterock clubhouse in Langley should be seized under the proceeds of crime legislation just like the Naniamo chapter clubhouse was. The Jesters' clubhouse in Surrey should be denied a business license to operate because it was documented that they are connected to the Whiterock chapter in documents found in the possession of Whiterock Secretary treasurer Villy Lynnerup.
The Shadow club should also lose their business license since they are clearly tied to the Hells Angels as well. They are in the exact same building as the Outcasts were which was documented on paper to be connected to the East Vancouver chapter of the Hells Angels found in Villy Lynnerup's possession. That location is too close to the drug problems of Surrey's Gateway and too close to Gus' shop which is owned by a Hells Angel.
Gus can keep his business license for his motorcycle shop but the Jesters, Shadow club and Tbarz should be shut down by the City. The city has the right to determine zoning. It can and should revoke building permits for organized crime in our community.
That leaves us with the Hells angels control of the stripper agencies in the province. The Hells angels association with criminal activity make them not fit and proper to hold a business licence for strippers. They control the business and should not be allowed to participate in it any more. Their documented criminal activity has confirmed that.
These simple changes won't solve all our problems but mark my word it would be a good start. We can't do everything but we can do something and are morally bound to do so. It's like the saying, "What do you call 3,000 lawyers on the bottom of the ocean? A good start."
Seizing the Whiterock Chapter's clubhouse, closing down Tbarz, the Jesters and the Shadow club as well as revoking the Hells Angels license for strippers starting with CJ Spoon would most certainly be a good start at taking the trash out of Surrey.