Monday 5 September 2011

The Ron Paul Revolution

When I made my last post about the Real Tea Party and defending the Constitution, someone asked me what I think of Ron Paul. Aside from his position on the legalization of all drugs, I think he is totally right about many things. I just cannot accept legalizing crack, crystal meth or date rape drug. I do not believe that is socially responsible.

In this interview Ron Paul answers the criticism that he is not electable as a Republican. His response is very valid. Hearing him make those kind of statements is refreshing. He is indeed a Constitutionalist and therefore leading the real tea party.

His foreign policy is solid. The unlawful invasion of Iraq cost trillions of dollars and made Haliburton rich. I agree with Ron Paul on foreign policy. I think those kind of statements are worth being heard. I support the constitution and civil liberties that both administrations are eroding.

Yet I am part socialist at heart. I do believe in socialized medicare. I don't like the idea of turning away someone who is homeless from receiving medical aid. I agree with him in that medical coverage is not a right but a privilege. Yet I believe it is a privilege a civilized society should aspire to.

I don't like the hostility toward Obama Care. The same people who are totally hostile towards Obama Care seem to have no problem wasting trillions of dollars on morally wrong military intervention based on lies. Obama Care is poorly timed. They should get their house in order first and stop deregulating the financial markets which has opened the door for investment fraud and tax payer bailouts.

Once the budget is balanced they can then extend the hand as they aspire to something higher. I keep using Alberta as an example. They don't have provincial sales tax yet they provide free medical coverage. If the Federal Government in Canada hands over more power to the Provinces to administer their own medical insurance without collecting the same taxes for it, then that kind of decentralization is a good thing.

I just don't like to see the government keep raising taxes and keep cutting services when they aren't paying down the debt they are spending it on other things like conflicted jets and bombing countries for their oil.

Nevertheless, I do think Ron Paul would make a much better candidate than Sarah Palin or Donald Trump. Those two are in my opinion dumb and dumber. Yet the only way Ron Paul would survive an assassination attempt if he was elected president is if Jesse Ventura ran on the same card as vice President. The only reason they wouldn't kill Ron Paul would be because of their fear of Jesse Ventura.

By kaniamazdar with No comments


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