Saturday 14 May 2011

The Habib's and the Liquid Zoo

There's no doubt Sam and Mike Habib being charged in that $3.4 million Oxycontin fraud has clearly tainted the Habib's family image. Add that to Dale's involvement with the Kingpin crew and Dave trying to help the Hells Angels get their liquor license back for the Liquid Zoo and all you get is one big toxic mess of suspicious activity.

Dave was dripping in denial and claimed to be above reproach yet he was charged with assaulting a peace officer in 2001. Dale's involvement in that double murder trial was somewhat suspicious as well. The thing that I don't get is their legal argument in trying to get the liquor license back for the Liquid Zoo.

Somewhere along the line Senior Frog's became Champagne Charlies then the liquid zoo. Somewhere in that food chain was a suspicious fire. Yet the part I don't understand is Dave's legal argument. We know he owned Senior Frogs. He claims that he sold his club to "someone else" who turned it into the Liquid Zoo. Which as we know lost it's liquor license due to their involvement with the Hells Angels as Dipopolo was listed as a co owner.

Dave's legal argument is that he sold his club subject to the approval of a liquor license. Despite the fact that no such legal contract exists. What I don't get is how can Dave Habib claim he still has a legal interest in the club when he sold it to someone who turned it into Champagne Charlies and they "sold" it to someone else after Guy Stanley was kicked out of the Hells Angels.

If there ever was such a subject too clause involved with the sale of Champagne Charlies it would involve Guy Stanley not Dale Habib who was simply a prior owner. I'm having trouble with the math. Unless of course Dave is admitting he was the co owner on paper with Guy Stanley. Which would in turn document his business association with the Hells Angels. Reverting the ownership of the club back to Dave then giving him a liquor license for the same club would also be a mistake. The facial warts are spreading.

The suspicious fire occurred when it was Senior Frog's at the old location before it moved to the new location and later became Champagne Charlies (named after Hells Angels Guy Charles Stanley) and then the Liquid Zoo.

Regardless of the fire, the Habib's involvement with criminal activity would clearly question whether or not Dave is fit and proper to hold a liquor license which would tarnish the whole application for an approval of the Liquid Zoo's liquor license.

BTW if Britney lived on a Hells Angels grow op that was busted and sold pot to support her oxy habit, and if the Habibs were associated with Joey Verma as well as with Oxycontin, then one has to wonder where Britney got her oxy from.

By kaniamazdar with No comments


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