Wednesday 25 May 2011

White Boy Posse and the Hells Angels in Edmonton

The White boy Posse is a white supremest gang in Edmonton tied to the Hells Angels that sell drugs. Isn't it about time we stop blaming all our drug and gang problems on the minorities? The Hells Angels are the root of it all. In Edmonton they have a white supremest puppet club. Not surprising since Mom Boucher started his own white supremest club before he joined the Hells Angels.

Yet these racist drug dealers will sell drugs to people of different racial back grounds as long as they can make money off them. White supremacists using the Red Alert gang as puppets to make them money. What a scam. The Red Alert are slaves to white supremacists.

Mom Boucher befriended Gregory Wooley who formed the Syndicate which let the Hells angels profit from selling crack to all the crips in Montreal. White Supremacists exploiting a brother to make money. Imagine that.

This white boy Posse in Edmonton is pretty sickening. They use swastikas. Don't tell me the Hells angels have anything to do with honourable military service. We fought the Nazi's in the war. Promoting that cause here is a shameful disgrace.

The Hells Angels are the drug trade in Edmonton just like they are in Vancouver. They sure used Joey Verma and tossed him aside.

By kaniamazdar with No comments


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