Wednesday 31 August 2011

Wade Belak found dead

A Nashville Predators spokesman has confirmed that former Toronto Maple Leafs enforcer Wade Belak has been found dead in an upscale Toronto-area hotel, he was 35. He is the third NHL tough-guy to die in the last four months. Both Derek Boogaard and Rick Rypien passed away this past summer after hard-fought personal battles. Third NHL enforced dead in four months. That is strange.

Meanwhile back on the ranch, another human foot washed on shore in Vancouver on Tuesday. The eighth foot to wash on shore since August 2007. An autopsy has confirmed it's another human foot and they have no idea what caused it. Despite not knowing how it got there, no foul play is expected. Yeah people drown and cut off their feet all the time.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Ion Croitoru - Johnny K-9

Ion Croitoru wrestled professionally under the name “Johnny K-9” and "Bruiser Bedlam." He was the Satan's Choice motorcycle club president back in Ontario. We remember him caught on a wire with Clay Rouchette in support of the United Nations gang. Well it turns out he was already in custody for a plot to kill Bacon and his two brothers between Jan. 1, 2008 and Feb. 17, 2009.

My first thought was even with a balaclava on the guy is pretty hard not to miss so I highly doubt he was the shooter that finally killed JB Hog. Then I realized he's still in custody. Croitoru is awaiting trial for first-degree murder in the shooting death of Jonathan Barber, 24, and the attempted murder of Vicky King.

I certainly don't support drug related public executions where innocent people are put at risk and family members are injured, but I will cite the case as an example of a rising force that is opposing the Hells Angels monopoly on the drug trade. I see that as a good thing. Yes, public shootings put the public at risk, yet letting the Hells angels have a ruthless monopoly on the drug trade is just plain wrong. I rather hear about Hells Angels getting shot at then drug addicts tortured or pushed out of windows for drug debts.

So, let's give it up for Romania. The counter revolution has begun. It's not natural justice but it is a natural consequence of tyranny and betrayal. What goes around comes around. Word.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Arrest Warrant for Steven Skinner

Halifax police have issued an arrest warrant for Steven Skinner, a MMA fighter from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Skinner remains at large, but has been charged with second-degree murder over the death of Stacey Adams. Adams, 20, was found shot dead in front of a new home in a Lake Echo neighbourhood in April. It's believed Skinner was at a home in Lake Echo when Adams and a friend arrived. Shots were fired and Adams was killed.

Police say Stacey Adams knew at least one of the suspects and that all parties involved are connected to drug sub-culture. Skinner has a criminal history. He has also been charged in the past with hostage taking, aggravated assault and uttering threats.

Gloria Adams, the deceased's mother said: "If you agree with the code of silence, then in cases like this I don't see (you) any different than I see the killer." She is absolutely right. Police think Skinner has left the province.

Skinner also faces criminal charges over an incident two years ago. He is accused of going with a Toronto man to the home of a 66-year-old man in Lower Sackville. Skinner and his friend allegedly had an issue with the man's son. Hot spoons and knives were used to burn parts of the older man's body.

The father let them in because he recognized Skinner as a friend of his son and offered them a drink. Then they tortured him and burned off one of his tattoos because they were looking for his son. I cannot over emphasize how deranged this pattern of violence is. Torturing someone's family member. Ratting out someone who does that is not being a rat. Turning the other way is.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Monday 29 August 2011

Mike P

Someone sent me this link to another Hells Angels rap video after I posted a critique of Weird Hal's latest disaster. It's also on Youtube. The Hells Angels logos are blurred out in Mike P's video but you can tell by the horned helmeted winged skull tattoo he's a member.

He posts photos of him with his Hells Angels colours elsewhere. Although his video is a thousand times better than Weird Hal's, it's still pretty pointless. Like kids who never grew up. I don't mean to disrespect a brother from LA but he's not a brother and he's not from LA. He's from Beverly Hills.

California Hells Angels. That would be Sonny Barger's pal Otis Garret from Oakland who was convicted of running a prostitution ring for the Hells angels in San Fransisco called the Love Nest. He was finally convicted of ordering the murder of Margo Compton and her twin six year old daughters for testifying against him.

Mike P is sure proud of his badge that says prostitution and baby killers. Not me. That's too much like wearing a shirt that says I love Clifford Olsen. But that's OK because we know Mike P doesn't give a fuck. That's all he has to say in his video. I think he'd give a fuck if someone pimped out his daughter, sister or mother and shot their little kids. Blind devotion is somewhat short sighted.

It's disappointing to see the Italians are supporting baby killers. The Italians use to have a code of conduct. That was before they started murdering a guy's sister. They say in Rome that pride cometh before the fall. Time will tell. It always does.

Nice sneakers. Not. The video was directed by bad boy Ron Moon. Tell me what does selling crack and running prostitution rings have to do with Judaism? Nothing that's right. But it's OK because you don't give a fuck. Well I do. And I'm not the only one who gives a fuck about Margo Compton's little girls. Justice may be slow but it is sure.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Sunday 28 August 2011

Regional Police Force

Locally, John Ferry wrote an article in the Vancouver Province calling for a Metro police force that he hopes will solve all the world's problems. Obviously, that's going to generate a knee jerk reaction from the RCMP. Personally I don't see a metro police force in BC being the solution to anything. Point granted it works in Ontario. But this isn't Ontario. Ontario has a much larger population base.

Take Surrey for example. We don't have City police in Surrey, we have the RCMP. In fact, the RCMP musical ride is part of our historical tradition in Surrey. For us to give up the RCMP would be like trading in a longstanding historical tradition for a mall cop. I don't think we want a Regional police force in Surrey.

Although there is merit in the concern that our current system is fragmented, let's think about how it got that way. Vancouver wanted it's own police force. So they made one. The same with Delta and New Westminster. They wanted more control over their own policing so that is what they decided to do. I don't think those cities want to give up their control over their own police forces.

Then comes the issue of unionization. Some people love unions, some people hate them. The feeling that I get from the RCMP is that they prefer not to be unionized. That is their choice. Just like it's Vancouver's right to chose unionization.

Personally, I'm an idealist. I support the historical tradition and the values portrayed within the RCMP. I'll be the first one to agree the RCMP needs help. Everyone likes to cite the taser incident at the airport over and over and claim that is proof why we need a regional police force. But it's not. VPD has had it's share of police brutality complaints. The use of force instructer in New Westminster got drunk and robbed a newspaper deliveryman with two of his buddies.

What we do need in BC is a civilian agency that monitors police complaints. That is a given. It needs to oversee all policing in the province not just one force. The taser incident in the airport is over rated. Yes it was an absolute tragedy. Yes the police misused the taser. Remember it's the airport. With all this terrorist frenzy it isn't surprising the police over reacted in a call to make the peace in the airport.

Saying that a regional police force would have prevented the Vancouver riot is somewhat absurd. Yes the police were under prepared. We just came off the Olympic high. We didn't really think the mob would flip to the other extreme so fast over something so senseless. That certainly doesn't mean we want to march around with the SS breaking into homes and removing civil liberties. Jim Chu is a good man. I still think he would be perfect at the head of the RCMP if he so chose. Yet perhaps a better choice would be to promote someone from within. Having a civilian lead the RCMP is kind of like having a civilian be a general in the army.

I like the idea of speaking with an RCMP officer in Surrey from Quebec. I like the idea of an RCMP officer from Surrey serving in Quebec as well. One of the problems with a City police force is stagnation. I think working main and Hastings for your entire career could get you down after a while. I think having the option to transfer out would be good and I think giving other officers the chance to work Main and Hastings would be a eye opener for them as well.

Perhaps the best way to over come the fragmented system is to have the various agencies work together. Imagine that. As long as there is the threat of doing away with the RCMP or having VPD give up it's control of it's policing, all the agencies get territorial and protective. Let's keep the status quo and encourage more interaction between the forces.

Ontario's Biker Enforcement Unit came out to Langley when the Whiterock Hells Angels had a party there. Why can't RCMP officers go on an exchange with VPD officers and visa versa. By building those kinds of relationships you break down the walls of ignorance and stereotypes and you promote interaction. It's like I've got a friend in the VPD I trust so I can share information with him or visa versa.

I think we should preserve the RCMP. I do think Stephen Harper spending millions on promoting the RCMP "brand" while at the same time cutting funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task Force is hypocritical and bizarre. Yet preserving good traditions helps us carve out and retain our unique identity as a nation.

It's like Paul Gross in the TV Series Due South. Ya gotta love that optimistic Dudley Do Right naivety the character portrayed. Seeing the RCMP on police boats in Pitt Lake was inspiring. It's like the adage of how the Mountie always gets his man. It reminded me of seeing a police presence in Surrey Central complete with volunteers, a mobile command center and auxiliary police officers on quads for chasing down suspects in Surrey parks. That was awesome. Let's preserve our heritage and not trade it in for mall cops. This is our home. That makes it worth fighting for.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Saturday 27 August 2011

Hal Heffner is an Idiot

I can't believe this guy. What a freakin tool. Hal on a boat wasn't bad enough. Now he's gotta follow up with small men trying to live large. Ya wonder why I call him Weird Hal? Because his videos are just like Weird Al Yankovic. Only Hal isn't spoofing anyone except himself. He's claiming that's his life. What a social reject.

I can't believe that baby faced idiot can scare anyone. Some sources claim he runs all the grow ops in Maple ridge. There is no way I believe that's true. The guy is a freaking idiot. Any grow op being extorted by him needs to call crimstoppers because paying that idiot protection money is just plain lame.

Weird Hal's new video is called Small Man Syndrome. I didn't photoshop any of these pictures. They are screen clips of Hal in his own video showing his transformation from a nerd to an idiot:

Look at the absolutely ridiculous ring. He really thinks it looks cool:

Kissing that ring is absolutely pathetic:

Why won't anyone tell him he looks like an idiot?

He is destroying the reputation of the club.

Small man syndrome is right. He can't even find a girl shorter than he is. Even the silicone trailer park girl is taller than he is. And that's when she's lying on her back.

And those shoes. Those aren't gangster or biker. They're stupid! Size 12? They look like size 7. Get the fuck out of Maple Ridge you clown.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Unit

After I checked out the Haney Hells Angels clubhouse I went over to soak up the sun at Pitt Lake. Low and behold there were two police boats on site filled with RCMP and some representatives from the Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Unit. I didn't know we had one. Seemingly they are a branch of the CFSEU - Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit. Now that's what I'm talking about. This is one unit well worth funding.

Word on the street is that some gang members were having a party on the lake recently. That must be why the police were making their presence known. The more public the gangs are the more it attracts the police like a magnet. Maybe they were looking for Larry Amero's boat. With all those huge boats on the lake, some of them have got to be drug dealers. I prefer paddling up Widgeon creek and hiking up to the falls myself.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Haney Hells Angels Clubhouse

I'm working on a Haney and Maple Ridge spotlight like I have for Kelowna. In the means time I thought I should post the location of the Haney Hells Angels Clubhouse in Pitt Meadows / Maple Ridge. It's right on the way to Pitt Lake. I had no idea I've driven by it so many times.

If you take Old Dewdney Truck Road it's right after Hale Road before Neaves Road which takes you to Pitt Lake. It's right beside 13843 McKechnie Rd. It kinda looks like the Whiterock Clubhouse in Langley. A Gated fence with the big red barn thing going. Only all the red and white mixed together kinda looks pink. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I also noticed that Haney Ink is right beside Spike's motorcycle shop Haney Hawgs on Maple Cresent and has Stocky i.e. Vince Brienza listed as president and board member. I guess he didn't od after all.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Friday 26 August 2011

Mortgage fraud in Canada

Mortgage fraud threatens our economic stability. BMO is suing over a huge mortgage fraud. Part of the fraud involves selling a house that is falsely valued much more than it's worth. Another aspect of the fraud is when a con man fakes a debt and fraudulently puts a lien on the home.

The BMO claims the scheme generated $70 million in fraudulently obtained mortgages, costing the bank $30 million in potential losses. It is believed to be the biggest mortgage fraud in Canadian history, according to court documents first uncovered by CBC News.

Calgary Northeast MP for Prime Minister Stephen Harper's federal Conservatives Devinder Shory is among hundreds of individuals and companies named as defendants in an alleged massive fraud scheme against the Bank of Montreal. So is Mike Habib.

Mortgage fraud and lax mortgage rules were blamed in part for what has happened in the U.S housing crisis. Ottawa urged to toughen penalties for type of activity alleged in BMO suit involving Tory MP.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, Bernard Madoff, who ran one of the biggest Wall Street frauds in history, says that many of his former colleagues in the financial industry are also crooks. In a prison interview with Fox Business Network, Madoff claimed insider trading "goes on at every level of the industry in plain sight." Locally, ex-Calgary oil CEO, Benjamin Koorbatoff, has been jailed for two years as judge cites Madoff case.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

The Conservatives are coming

Don't look now but the BC Conservatives are coming. BC Conservatives leader John Cummins said "Conservative-minded people are fed up with the lack of choice in provincial politics."

"One of the reasons the Liberals and the NDP are out of touch with so many people is that they owe everything to the special interests. They fund their campaigns with money from big corporations and big unions. They do not have to listen to the people."

The BC Conservatives oppose the Carbon tax and support small business. They're not PC as in Regressive Conservatives returning to pork barrel tax and spend politics. They are TC - Traditional Conservative. They believe in the old ways and the old morals the Neo Cons have apostatized from. Looks like BC voters will have a choice next election. Let's hope we can learn from Gordon Campbell's arrogant deviation from democracy and move forward with a positive spirit of hard work and fiscal accountability.

Paul Forseth has stepped up to the plate. He's a credible candidate.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

BC voters kill HST

Voters in British Columbia have voted to dump the Harmonized Sales Tax after the results of a provincial referendum were released today. The tax has been ousted with 54.73 per cent of voters turning it down.

B.C. will now return to paying a 5 per cent Goods and Services Tax and a 7 per cent provincial sales tax. That means all the previous items that were except from GST will hopefully return to that same exemption. The big lie was a 10% tax on things that were previously tax exempt was a tax increase.

Jim Sinclair, president of the B.C. Federation of Labour, said the HST represented an unfair tax shift of $2 billion from corporations to families. In February 2010, British Columbia's Chief Electoral Office approved a petition submitted by William Vander Zalm, a former B.C. premier, to rescind the HST and restore the PST.

More than 500,000 people signed the petition against the tax, triggering B.C.'s unique direct democracy laws that forced the vote. Elections BC, the agency monitoring the vote, told The Canadian Press on Friday that about 1.6 million British Columbians, or about 52 per cent of registered voters, had their say in the referendum.

Can we now vote on Gordon Campbell's appointment to the British High Commission? Alberta has no provincial sales tax. That practice increases business revenue and promotes small business. When the neo cons return to tax and spend pork barrel politics it's time to return to the traditional values the neo cons have apostatized from.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Dain Phillips murder trial

The trial involving two little boys at the root of the conflict which recruited the assistance of the Hells angels to beat a father to death in Kelowna with baseball bats and hammers is under way. They were grinning from ear to ear outside the courthouse which is an offensive mockery of the murder.

It's just like the kids who were laughing outside the courthouse in the swarming of Michael Levi. In that case a large number of kids swarmed Levi, bear sprayed him, gave him the boots then took an axe to the back of his head and left him a paraplegic. They were seen laughing outside court. If they had any remorse whatsoever, they would not have been laughing.

Releasing them on bail was disapointing. It just reinforced the cocky unaccountable attitude which created the problem in the first place. Obviously, the Hells angels decision to get involved in a high school feud was insane. As is this shameful mockery of human life.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Thursday 25 August 2011

contract law questions and answers

contract law questions and answers

If a term is defined 'Party' and is later referenced as 'Parties' what factors would go to interpreting it as 'all Parties' or 'one or more Parties'? A court will look to the context in which it is used. In those very rare cases where the difference.

How can I give an example of how a conversation between the person answering the phone at a doctor's office and the patient who called could create a contract, demonstrating knowledge of contract law and agency law? the person answering the phone in the dr's office places an order for office supplies or medical.

There exists - in the field of contract law - both contract and non-contract theories of recovery. Depending upon the particular fact situation, a party might file a lawsuit for breach of an express contract in fact or an implied contract in fact. These are both contract theories! A party might.

I subscribe to for internet. I now work for a telecom co & am eligible for reduced staff rates. I contacted Supanet & told them I want to give canx notice, I assumed 1 months would be standard, but was told that the canx would be.


need legal advice in contract law with landlord and tenant issues. Landlord-tenant law governs the rental of commercial and residential property. It is composed primarily of state statutory and common law. A number of states have based their statutory law on either the Uniform Residential Landlord And Tenant Act (URLTA) ( or.

I have got a problem in which I want you help me solving. It is a question regarding contract law which says: About 15 miles from Potters Bar, in quiet countryside, there is a clothing factory with its own factory shop. In the shop window there is a notice stating: 'Limited offer, twenty RD23 anti-fit jeans.

The Problem Omar, aged 17, having finished a pottery course at college, decided to leave home in order to follow his ambition to become a producer and dealer in fine art pottery. He moved to London where he entered into.

Does anyone know what 'time shall be of the essence' in a contract means and what happens if this is not respected? What are the legal consequences? It IS something you usually see in a contract, at least in the US. In contract law, very often time is not a.

if i remember my business law class correctly if there is a contract between two parties and there are say 10 things in the contract that one party needs to abide by and they don't abide by even 1 item in the contract. is this contract void? i thought a contract had.

More Contract Law questions please visit :

This clip from the movie "Gung Ho" illustrates the condition principle in contract law. This clip shows the formation of a condition (within the boundaries of an employment contract). A condition is an event (not certain to occur) which must occur, unless its non-occurrence is excused, before a contract becomes due. In other words, if a condition doesn't occur, then the other party is under no obligation to perform in return. The promisor must perform fully in order to fulfill a condition. Some other concepts to think about in this clip: does Michael Keaton's misrepresentations rise to fraud? Duty to speak? Detrimental reliance? Did the condition come with an implied promise? Why or why not? If so, what was the implied promise? Does substantial performance apply and if so, was there? (hint: check out scene at 1:28)
Video Rating: 5 / 5

More Contract Law Articles

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DuPage County IL Divorce Law Firm Gives the Scoop On Illinois? Ground Breaking Civil Union Act

Oak Brook, IL (PRWEB) August 15, 2011
On June 1, 2011, a remarkable new law went into effect in Illinois, and the divorce law firm of Kulerski and Cornelison has been fielding questions from clients about its ramifications. Its official name is the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act (more generally referred to as ?Civil Union Act? and hereinafter referred to as ?The Act?).

The Act allows two persons ? of the same or opposite sex ? to enter into a civil union that confers the same rights and obligations upon them as they would have if they were lawful spouses in marriage.

DuPage and Cook County divorce lawyers J. Richard Kulerski and Kari L. Cornelison explain that this law is remarkable because Illinois is the only state that gives opposite sex couples, who choose not to marry, the same rights as married spouses.

Civil unions require a license similar to a marriage license, and they require a ceremony that can only be performed (solemnized or certified) by the same specified officials that currently perform marriage ceremonies.

The rights granted to the parties of a civil union include, but are not limited to, divorce, equitable division of property (no matter who holds title), inheritance, the presumption of parentage, health care benefits (when permissible under federal law), and decision making for the other partner in hospital, hospice, or nursing home situations.

In a civil union, the partners are not ?spouses? and they are not ?married?, they are simply ?parties to a civil union.? However, the parties to a civil union claim the same rights as spouses do wherever the word ?spouse? appears in Illinois? Divorce Act.

When a civil union breaks up, the parties do not file for divorce, they file comparable papers, which are entitled ?Proceeding for Dissolution of a Civil Union.? Instead of a Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage, they are granted a Judgment for Dissolution of Civil Union. All other legal procedures are identical to those of divorce.

Federal law does not recognize Illinois? new law, so civil union parties, among other things, cannot file joint tax returns, receive the other?s employee or pension and social security benefits, and are not protected under immigration laws.

In Illinois, opposite sex people who are receiving social security benefits through a former spouse?s employment may now keep this entitlement and nevertheless enjoy all of the entitlement they receive as a party to a civil union.

For more information call 630-928-0600, or visit Questions can also be directed to either Kari L. Cornelison (kc(at)illinoislegal(dot)com) or to J. Richard Kulerski (rk(at)illinoislegal(dot)com).


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Immigratants Consider Legal System

Immigratants Consider Legal System

Legal viewpoint becomes important for anyone in foreign countries. Let's check through reputation of law enforcement, sponsorship, employment law, landlord-tenant law and taxes.

Reputation of Law Enforcement - What percentage of violent crime cases are solved? Are the police known for their valor or instead for using excessive force or being complacent? It would be a good idea to get a feel for how crime is handled in your target country. Look for newspaper articles or other reliable sources that discuss the criminal justice system. If something bad happens, you surely want to have due recourse.

Sponsorship - Just about any place you could travel to ask you to prove that you'll have enough money to support yourself. This usually comes hand in hand with some form of sponsorship by a citizen.
Sometimes this individual is just named in the initial paperwork and that's the end of the story. In other countries, the sponsor controls every single move you make. Find out, from your embassy or other government source, which it is before you go.

Labor law - If you are moving to your target country because of a job, all of the legal details will usually be handled through your employer. They will usually take full responsibility for the employee and their family members as well so it is important to know the limits of that authority. You may feel that the contract you negotiated was acceptable when you were back in your homeland, but once you spend some time there, you may change your mind. Read your contract carefully and examine the local laws to see what options you have if you find yourself in an adverse situation.
This information may be accessible from expatriate groups, your embassy, or international law firms.

Landlord-Tenant law - Major international employers typically provide housing in compounds for expatriate employees. But, you may choose, or be required to find a place to stay on your own. Because you are a foreigner, you are especially vulnerable and may be taken advantage of. It would be best to rely on the advice of a local contact when deciding on a specific location. Additionally, ask local contacts to inform you of the local practices and common concerns and find out as much as you can about the landlord-tenant laws. It is possible that most of the housing available has kitchens that do not provide built-in cabinets or appliances. What happens if you have plumbing problems? Is your security deposit refundable? These are just a few of the possible issues that could come up. It would be best to know the answers before you sign a lease.

Taxes - To make sure you stay in compliance with your home country's tax regulations, you can check their web site directly, and search for income earned abroad. If there are a significant number of expatriates in the area, there are most likely accounting offices that can help you with the details. You should also consult your employer or other local contacts about possible tax obligations to the local government as well.

Although it may seem that these concerns will not apply to most people, having knowledge of the local laws and legal system will help you avoid possible problems. Being aware, and letting the people you are dealing with know that you are aware will boost your confidence and help you steer clear of problems. We hope that these details will help your transition to living abroad trouble-free. For more tips, check our other e-zine articles about moving abroad.

Natalie L. Komitsky enjoys impacting readers with substance and style. Her focus area is families and lifelong learning, including many aspects of business. To learn more about how her experience and wordsmith services can help you, stop by

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Florida's First Law School Chronicled in New Book

Saint Petersburg, FL (PRWEB) January 24, 2007
Carolina Academic Press has published a compelling account of the history of Florida's first law school, Stetson University College of Law.

The law school's account begins in 1898, the year Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders boarded ships in Tampa Harbor for Cuba to fight in America's short war with Spain. That same year, officials of the young John B. Stetson University in DeLand, Fla. considered starting a law program.

"Florida's First Law School: A History of Stetson University College of Law," was authored by Stetson Professor of Law Emeritus Michael Swygert and Gary Vause, former dean of the law school.

The book took nearly a decade to complete and details the rich history of the nation's number one ranked law school for trial advocacy. Over the past dozen years, the school's advocacy program has been ranked first in the nation eight times, and second three times.

Originally a small law school of few students, Stetson Law today has approximately 1000 students, six courtrooms, a state-of-the-art library, a part-time evening program and a law center in Tampa that shares space with a working court.

Stetson Law's programs include J.D. certificates of concentration in advocacy, elder law and international law; a J.D./M.B.A. dual-degree program; and masters of laws in international law and in elder law.

"Florida's First Law School" is available for purchase online at and at the Stetson University College of Law bookstore at 727-562-7806.

Stetson University College of Law is Florida's first law school. It has educated lawyers for more than a century. Stetson is ranked first in trial advocacy and fourth for legal writing by the 2007 U.S. News & World Report national rankings.


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Sweetwater Scientific Launches First Scholarly Journal In Forensic Anthropology

Carlisle, MA (PRWEB) June 19, 2007
Sweetwater Scientific is proud to announce the forthcoming launch of Journal of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology, the first scholarly publication exclusively serving this vital and increasingly global discipline.

Led by a distinguished editorial team including Doug Ubelaker, Norm Sauer, Bradley Adams, and Marcella Sorg, among others, JFAA will publish peer-reviewed articles that advance research and practice in the field as well as editorials, case reports, news and conference information, and poignant "day in the life" narratives from practitioners across a broad range of practice areas.

"Our research found that, in spite of the expanding scope of the field, forensic anthropology has been underrepresented in the existing literature," said Donna Vaillancourt, Executive Managing Editor at Sweetwater. "We're pleased to be the first publisher to provide a rigorous forum for disseminating research and establishing universal best-practice standards exclusively for this discipline."

Forensic anthropologists apply physical anthropology and human osteology techniques to aid in the identification of skeletal remains and assess time and cause of death. Their expertise has been used in a range of cases from confirming the identity of Tsar Nicholas II, to providing closure for families whose loved ones were victims of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 or of mass genocide in Bosnia, Iraq, and Guatemala.

The first quarterly issue of JFAA is scheduled for July 2007. Subscription and submission information is available on the Journal Web site at or by phone at 978.369.6095.

For further information please contact:

Sweetwater Scientific Publishing Company

481 Cross Street

Carlisle, MA 01741-1507

Tel.: 978.369.6095

Fax: 866.388.7857


More Further Disciplines Press Releases

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Article by Muhammadumair
(In the name of Allah the most Beneficent, the most Merciful) 295_B. Defiling, etc., of Holy Qur,an: Whoever willfully defile, damges or desecrates a copy of the Holy Qur,an or of an extract therefrom or uses it in any derogatory manner or for any unlawful purpose shall be punishable with imprisonment for life. Inscription of Kalima Tayyaba and other Qur,anic verses on walls of place of worship of Qadianis. Would not make out offence under section 295_B and accused in such case would be entitled bail. 1997 S D 448. Qadianis hild Holy Qur,an and its text in high esteem, relish its recitation, derive spiritual enlightenment and guidance from Qur,anic verses and with that end in view they inscribe or exhibit at their place of worship. Held: Such an act would not tantamount to desecration or derogation of Allah,s Book or unlawful use of Qur,anic verses within meaning of section 295_B. 1997 S D 448. 295_C.Use of derogatory remarks, etc., in respect of the Holy Prophet (saw): Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine. 295_A. Deliberate and malicious acts intented to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs: Whoever, with deliberate and malicious intention of outraging the religious feelings of any class of the citizens of Pakistan, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations insults the religion or the religious beliefs of that class, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, or with fine, or with both. REF: PAKISTAN PENAL CODE

Muhammad Umair from Pakistan

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Philosophy of mind in the continental tradition

Philosophy of mind in the continental tradition
Article by Trishna
Psychology is the science that investigates mental states directly. It uses generally empirical methods to investigate concrete mental states like joy, fear or obsessions. Psychology investigates the laws that bind these mental states to each other or with inputs and outputs to the human organism.
An example of this is the psychology of perception. Scientists working in this field have discovered general principles of the perception of forms. A law of the psychology of forms says that objects that move in the same direction are perceived as related to each other. This law describes a relation between visual input and mental perceptual states. However, it does not suggest anything about the nature of perceptual states. The laws discovered by psychology are compatible with all the answers to the mind-body problem already described.
Most of the discussion in this article has focused on one style or tradition of philosophy in modern Western culture, usually called analytic philosophy (sometimes described as Anglo-American philosophy). Many other schools of thought exist, however, which are sometimes subsumed under the broad label of continental philosophy. In any case, though topics and methods here are numerous, in relation to the philosophy of mind the various schools that fall under this label (phenomenology, existentialism, etc.) can globally be seen to differ from the analytic school in that they focus less on language and logical analysis alone but also take in other forms of understanding human existence and experience. With reference specifically to the discussion of the mind, this tends to translate into attempts to grasp the concepts of thought and perceptual experience in some sense that does not merely involve the analysis of linguistic forms.
In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind, Hegel discusses three distinct types of mind: the 'subjective mind', the mind of an individual; the 'objective mind', the mind of society and of the State; and the 'Absolute mind', a unity of all concepts. See also Hegel's Philosophy of Mind from his Encyclopedia.
In modern times, the two main schools that have developed in response or opposition to this Hegelian tradition are phenomenology and existentialism. Phenomenology, founded by Edmund Husserl, focuses on the contents of the human mind (see noema) and how phenomenological processes shape our experiences. Existentialism, a school of thought founded upon the work of S

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Civil Litigation- law group

Civil Litigation- law group

Civil law as opposed to criminal law is the branch of law dealing with disputes between individuals and organizations in which compensations may be awarded to the victim. Civil litigation is a formal judicial process whereby disputes between two parties are resolved through the court system. In every field of law it is important that the lawyer has some specific qualities which distinguishes him from the others and also helps them to be successful in their respective fields of specialization. As of which they are far as civil litigation is concerned the attorneys should possess such qualities with the help able to attract and retain their clients. There are some certain qualities which are almost must have in a civil litigation solicitor. An expert civil litigation solicitor needs to have organizational skills.
These skills are important both for the efficiency as well as for the impression which it leaves on the client. This is because no client is interested in an attorney who is absolutely disorganized and does not have any idea of the documents. Thus it is important that an attorney gives a lot of importance to the organization of the files and all the other things.
A civil litigation solicitor should have the capability to learn. Apart from learning new topics, it is expected that a civil litigation solicitor or lawyer is quite knowledgeable and expert on the laws of the land, the local laws property and disputes. Civil litigation usually involves disputes of private law issues between individuals, businesses or non-profit organizations.
At the same time, civil litigations can entail public law issues. If you are entering a civil litigation lawsuit, contact one of our civil litigation attorneys in Miami. A civil litigation lawsuit is started as soon as the plaintiff files a written complaint.
Possible civil litigation lawsuits include, but are not limited to:
Employee grievance appeals
Employee discrimination claims
General civil claims
Whether you are entering the civil litigation lawsuits as the plaintiff or the defendant, it is important to have a qualified and specialized civil litigation lawyer by your side.

Author is an executive with the law group. For more information on civil litigation visit the website civil litigation

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Church of Scientology International & Religious Technology Center Win in Court Against Former Member

Los Angeles (Vocus) April 5, 2010
On April 2, 2010, the United States District Court, Central District of California (Case No. CV 09-3987 DSF (FFMx)) granted a motion by the Church of Scientology International ("CSI") and Religious Technology Center ("RTC") dismissing a claim for alleged violations of federal and state labor laws based on the plaintiff?s years of religious service at CSI and RTC.

In the ruling granting summary judgment dismissing the wage and hour claims, Judge Dale Fischer today agreed with the Church of Scientology that the members of its religious order, known as the Sea Organization, which is comprised of the Church?s most dedicated members, are not subject to labor laws. Because the plaintiff chose to join a religious institution under her Church?s doctrine, her work was not subject to the payment of wages, the Court stated.

Judge Fischer specifically found that the plaintiff "was employed by a religious institution," that is, Church of Scientology International and Religious Technology Center, "was chosen for her position based largely on religious criteria," and "performed religious duties and responsibilities." The Court stated that like members of other religious orders, the plaintiff was only able to hold these positions based on her commitment to Scientology.

The plaintiff was a member of the Sea Organization from 1991 until 2005. During her years in the Sea Organization, the plaintiff held many positions within Scientology. Both CSI and RTC are recognized as churches by the IRS. The Sea Organization is a religious order for the Scientology religion and is composed of the most dedicated Scientologists in the world?individuals who have committed their lives to the volunteer service of their religion.

The first Sea Organization members formulated the one-billion-year pledge to symbolize their eternal commitment to the religion, still signed by all members today. As volunteers and members of a religious order, Sea Organization members work long hours and live communally with housing, meals, uniforms, medical and dental care, transport and all expenses associated with their duties provided by the Church. They also receive a small allowance to purchase personal items, as all of their other expenses are fully covered by the Church.

Sea Organization members are at the forefront of spearheading the Church's massive social mission, including the largest non-governmental drug education campaign on Earth, the largest human rights education campaign on Earth and many more programs that touch the lives of everyone. Today, some 6,000 members of the Sea Organization occupy staff positions in upper-level Scientology Church organizations around the world, ensuring that the religion is available to the millions of Scientology parishioners who live and work outside the Church.

CSI and RTC note that while the plaintiff has chosen to litigate her case in the media, the Churches will continue to present their case in court.


Karin Pouw

(323) 960-3500 phone

(323) 960-3508 fax


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LegalMatch and Pine Tree Legal Assistance Amicably Agree to Settlement

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) April 5, 2006
LegalMatch, a national provider of online legal services, and Pine Tree Legal Assistance, a nonprofit company that provides legal services for Maine's poor, have reached an amicable settlement in a legal dispute that LegalMatch calls, ?More of a misunderstanding than a lawsuit.?

According to the original suit, (US District Court, District of Maine, Case # 06-CV-45-P-H), advertisements from California-based LegalMatch appeared when a computer user typed "Pine Tree Legal Assistance" into Web search engines including Yahoo!, MSN, and Google. The suit, filed on February 28, 2006 in U.S. District Court on behalf of Pine Tree Legal Assistance, has now been settled with no monies changing hands.

According to Don Keane, Vice President of Marketing for LegalMatch, ?We [LegalMatch] are working with the nation?s major search engines, including Google, Yahoo, and MSN, to make sure non-profits are not part of our multi-million dollar search engine marketing program. We have the greatest respect for non-profit agencies that service people?s legal needs,? says Keane. LegalMatch is a free online legal matching service based in San Francisco, California, and Pine Tree Legal Assistance is a non-profit provider of free legal services to people in need and serving the State of Maine.

About LegalMatch

Established in 1999, with a formal site-launch in 2000, LegalMatch is a leading national provider of online legal services. Corporate offices are located in San Francisco and Los Angeles. For more information regarding the company, please contact Don Keane, Vice-President of Marketing at (415) 946-0855.

About Pine Tree Legal Assistance Service

Pine Tree Legal Assistance is a nonprofit corporation with 501(c)(3) status established in 1966 by private attorneys in Maine to meet the need for legal assistance by low-income residents. Over the past 35 years, Pine Tree has become a recognized part of the justice system in Maine, providing help to over 350,000 Maine people since its doors first opened.

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Child Injuries & Death From Swimming Pool Accidents & Michigan Legal Theories Used To Pursue A Claim

Child Injuries & Death From Swimming Pool Accidents & Michigan Legal Theories Used To Pursue A Claim

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there are on average nearly 10 drowning accidents occuring every day. Nonfatal drowning injuries can also be catastrophic and and can cause permanent brain damage, including problems with learning and memory, and permanent loss of brain function.
Most pool accidents involving children occur within minutes after the child was last seen alive. Many swimming pool incidents occur because the child has easy access to the water. Another reason why swimming pool incidents occur is because of poor or no parental supervision around the pool or outside where the pool is easily visible.
First, it is essential that children be taught to swim at an early age. Most swim schools teach children how to get to the side of a pool and climb out of a pool. Barriers and safety fences are also essential to prevent children from entering into a pool area itself, and pool alarms can alert a parent if a child enters into a pool without their knowledge.
However, there is no substitute for continuous adult supervision both when children are in the pool and even outside of a pool. Toys like "water wings," "noodles," and "inner tubes" can give a child a false sense of security, thereby encouraging the child to take greater risks (e.g., venturing out into deeper water). Also, do not engage in other distracting activities like yard work, while children are in the swimming pool. If you are unable to keep constant supervision, pull the children out of the pool until you are able to devote your complete attention to them.
In Michigan, there are several legal theories that are used to pursue claims for children injured in swimming pool accidents. Claims for damages can be filed due to the lack of proper supervision, the failure to have safety devices at the pool (life hook, life preserver, emergency phone), and even poor maintenance at the pool. In pools that are not properly maintained, children can have difficulty with their footing and may not be observable if they are below a filthy water surface. Also, the failure to have functioning pool lights is a major risk factor, especially when children are swimming at night. These vary depending on the type of pool and the location of the pool (residence, school, public, hotel, etc.) where the incident occurred. If the accident took place in Michigan, parents of children do have legal rights.

Lawrence J. Buckfire is a Michigan Child Injury Lawyer that represents victims of child injury cases that include swimming pool and water accident cases. You can request a free copy of our book, "Little Kids, Big Accidents," to learn more about your legal rights after an injury and accident case.

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Synopsis of Civil Law in Islam: Qur'anic Perspective

Synopsis of Civil Law in Islam: Qur'anic Perspective

According to the Qur'an, both men and women are equal in Islam.
They are both addressed the same message.
Both are charged with the same rights and responsibilities.
Both are judged equally according to their actions (beliefs, thoughts, feelings and deeds). Both have the same reward or punishment in this world.
Both have the same reward or punishment in the Hereafter.

The following Qur'anic references denote this equality:
Believers, men and women, are friends and protectors, one of another; they enjoin what is right, and prohibit what is wrong, they establish regular prayers, give al-Zakat (alms-giving: meaning to purification of one's possessions), and obey God and His messenger. On them God will pour His Mercy: for God is exalted in Power and Wise.' 9: 71
‘God has promised to believers, men and women, Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein and beautiful mansions in Gardens of everlasting bliss, and a greater bliss from God: and that is the supreme felicity.' 9: 72


‘For Muslims, men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in God's praise; for them has God prepared forgiveness and great reward.' 33: 35

Two exceptions are mentioned in the Qur'an with regard to witnessing and inheritance.
In the case of standing witness reference indicates the following precept:
‘And get two witnesses out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as you choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them forgets, the other can remind her.' 2: 282
But the testimony of one woman is accepted as valid as that of a man should there be one woman witness only.
 The second case is that of inheritance:
‘God directs you as regards your children's (inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females.' 4: 11
This is applicable with the responsibility that the female must be taken care of, by the guardian who manages the inherited wealth until the male gets to age where he looks after his sister or sisters.
However, if one female is the only child she gets her due major portion of the inheritance along side her kindred as prescribed in the Qur'anic texts.
Laws of inheritance are very precise with precise portions due to members of relatives in accordance to kinship. These are rights and obligations for every Muslim.

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Lastest Tort Law News

Nichols Lecture hi-res
Tort law

Image by stetsonlawnews
Yale Law School Professor Jules Coleman discusses several views of tort law at the Nichols Lecture at Stetson Law. Coleman encouraged Stetson Law students to think about the purpose and nature of liability in the law of torts and how liability is understood from the two leading theoretical perspectives on torts: law and economics and corrective justice. He has been described as one of the world’s most influential philosophers of law.

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53 Greenberg Traurig Attorneys Featured in 2011 Edition of Legal 500 United States

New York, New York (PRWEB) June 15, 2011
Fifty three Greenberg Traurig LLP attorneys have been recognized in the 2011 edition of Legal 500 United States, a 55 percent increase from the 2010 edition. The Legal 500 is an internationally recognized client referral guide that provides in-depth editorial and recommendations of law firms and lawyers.

Attorneys and law firms are selected for inclusion based on interviews with thousands of attorneys and clients. The Legal 500 series of guides reviews the strengths and strategies of law firms in more than 100 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, North and South America, and the Caribbean.

Greenberg Traurig attorneys recognized and their ranking practice categories include:


Corporate Restructuring

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Orange County Attorneys Nelson Hittleman, LLP Move to New Location in Newport Beach

Newport Beach, CA (PRWEB) August 18, 2011
The law firm of Nelson Hittelman, LLP announces it has moved to a new office to better serve its family law clients throughout Orange County. The new office is located at 100 Bayview Circle, Suite 3200 in Newport Beach, CA.

Paul J. Nelson, founder of Nelson Hittelman, LLP, started practicing law in 1998 under the name of Paul J. Nelson & Associates. Last year, he partnered with Steven G. Hittelman, who was admitted to the bar in 1995, and Kerri L. Strunk, who was admitted in 2003, to form Nelson Hittelman, LLP. Together they have 37 years of experience to offer their clients. They understand the complex and stressful nature of family law issues, and follow a multi-pronged approach when preparing for each case. Using this philosophy, they work to reach a satisfactory settlement, which is usually faster and more cost-effective, while also preparing for trial should the case require it.

About Nelson Hittelman, LLP

The Orange County divorce lawyers at Nelson Hittelman LLP focus exclusively on family law issues. They believe that excellent family law and divorce representation requires both skillful settlement negotiation abilities and effective trial skills. They are committed to doing what it takes to achieve positive results for clients.

The team at Nelson Hittelman, LLP has the knowledge and experience to protect your legal rights and assets while working to obtain the compensation you deserve. For more information about the firm, please visit or call 949-274-7674.

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Difference between Common Law and Civil Law in Canada

Difference between Common Law and Civil Law in Canada
Article by Kevn Smith
The Canadian legal system in every province except for Quebec is based on the British common law system. The Quebec province retains a civil system for issues of private law, however both of these legal systems are subject to the Constitution of Canada. Inside the commonwealth system everything is divided into areas like criminal law or civil law. It this article we will examine the Civil Law area and the Common Law area in Canada.
Common law
Canada belongs to a group of common law countries, so Canadian law adheres to the doctrine of stare decisis. In this system all the lower courts are bound by the decisions of higher courts and must follow it. But this works only inside one province, lower courts from two different provinces are not bound by each others decisions. The decisions made by a province's highest court like the Court of Appeal, nevertheless are considered as "persuasive" even though they are not binding on other provinces. There is also the Supreme Court of Canada that authority to bind all courts in the country with a single ruling. If a there is a little or no existing Canadian decision on a legal issue it is possible that the court will look to a non-Canadian legal authority for reference. Most often the decisions on other commonwealth countries like the U.S. and England are utilized. While the decisions of English higher courts like the English Court of Appeal are respected and these courts are considered the be persuasive authority, many of the constitution or privacy related issues are solved basing on the decisions of United States courts, because the there is a much greater body of jurisprudence in U.S. law than English law in these areas. Canadian courts are also particularly bind with the decisions of the House of Lords made before 1867, but practice shows that most of these decisions were overturned by the Canadian Supreme Court or simply not considered serious by any of the Canadian lower courts.
Civil law
Civil Law in Canada involves numerous areas of law that contain disputes between parties (individuals, corporations and government). In such disputes parties seek remedies from the court in contractual matters, tort disputes, and property law cases. Civil Law is opposed to Criminal law that is typically enforced by the government, while the civil law, may be enforced by private parties. In Canada Civil Law also includes a growing sphere called Administrative Law, which deals with things like federal and provincial administrative tribunals, including labour boards, human rights tribunals, and workers' compensation appeal tribunals. These decisions still can be reviewed by superior courts like the Federal Court Trial Division or the Federal Court of Appeal. Also Civil Law contains the Municipal Law area that covers jurisdiction of the provincial legislatures (that naturally varies from province to province). Established by the Supreme Court of Canada, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies to the activities of municipal governments.

For more information regarding Kelowna lawyers, Quebec Lawyers, Calgary Lawyers and Legal information please visit:

intro to civil law

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Wednesday 24 August 2011

Drunk with a gun

A Kelowna drunk with an outstanding warrant in Edmonton was arrested last night on various weapons charges. Witnesses claim he was standing outside a bar in Kelowna "waiting" for someone and someone noticed a bulge in his pants that was indeed a .45 pistol.

His name is Grant Victor David Lewis and is due back in court 9:30 AM August 26 2011. Police claim he is affiliated with organized crime in Edmonton. Isn't being in possession of an illegal firearm while drunk like a DUI?

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Monday 22 August 2011

The Passing of Jack Layton

I am deeply saddened by the news of Jack Layton's passing. When he came to Surrey he walked with a cane but he spoke with a revised strength. He had a vision. I share many of his values. I support public medical. That doesn't make me a socialist. It was absurd listening to the attack adds of Stephen Harper's Storm Troopers that kept repeating socialist over and over again like a deranged parrot. Alberta has free medical. According to Stephen Harper even Alberta are socialists.

Jack Layton will be remembered fondly as is Chuck Cadman. Jack won't go down in the annals of tyranny like Alfonso Gagliano and Brian Mulroney. I really don't think Jack was the kind of guy that would invade another country for their oil. I really don't think Jack was the kind of guy that would repeatedly fire and harass whistle blowers for telling the truth. I really don't think Jack was the kind of guy that would have endorsed torture. His passing is a deep loss for the country.

I found it profoundly ironic to hear a "left wing" politician speak out in support of small business and against sales taxes that hurt small business. Alberta has no sales tax and is fiscally responsible. That's why they were able to offer free medical insurance. It was somewhat shocking to see a Prime Minister from Alberta raise sale taxes and try and do away with public medical insurance. Somehow I don't think Stephen Harper will be remembered as fondly as Jack Layton or Chuck Cadman when he passes on.

My father used to say, follow the fellow who follows a dream. Jack Layton shared his dream with all of us. There is no reason we have to abandon that dream for cruel intolerance that gives up our sovereignty and our civil liberties. The new interim leader of the NDP, the one nominated by Jack Layton himself, used to be a member of the Bloc Quebecois. Now she is a federalist. Welcome. We all should be inspired by Quebec's vision for the future.

Jack Layton's parting words. "My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world."

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Sunday 21 August 2011

Rob Sidhu implicated in the US

It's nice to have Kim Bolan back from her holidays. Kim is reporting that there's a new U.S. indictment implicating Rob Sidhu in the massive cross-border drug operation that has already led to prison terms for several Hells Angels friends - like Rob Shannon, Jody York and Skeeter Russell. Surprise, surprise.

Rob Sidhu is the former RCMP officer who in on trial for committing fraud to obtain the location of the Bacon brothers from the police. The implication in that case is that he was getting the information to give to one of the enemies of the Bacon brothers who were trying to kill them.

Matt the rat denies working for Rob Sidhu's security company and claims he was just borrowing his car when he was pulled over driving Rob Sidhu's car. Matt the rat also bragged about being friends with convicted cocaine smuggler Rob Shannon and Weird Hal Porteous from the Hells Angels.

So here we see Matt the rat was involved with Rob Sidhu, who has now been accused of being involved in the cross border drug ring involving Rob Shannon and the Hells angels who Matt the rats claims are also his friends. That's an interesting association.

Yet Weird Hal was friends with Larry Amero and was posing with Larry Amero in support of Revolution Martial Arts where a Bacon brother associate was fighting out of. Come to think of it, John Punko was selling cocaine and crystal meth in Surrey at that time. He was choked about the UN coming to Brandy's in Vancouver and starting sh*t. Punko was caught on wire saying the UN were not welcome in BC and that they would pound anyone who did business with them.

Yet the Hells Angels did do business with the UN. The Haney Hells angels were caught with them in possession of GHB. One of Larry Amero's former gf was in the car with the UN guys who shot at the Bacon brothers outside Tbarz which is run by the Hells Angels. The Hells angels even attended a UN funeral.

Yet we recently saw Larry Amero not only associating with Jonathon Bacon but publicly bragging about it. Well the Bacons are enemies of the UN because of the Surrey six murder and the aftermath. The Wolf pack might be a new name but we were told that Larry was friends with Jonathon Bacon back then. The fact that some of his friends were friends with some of their friends would support that accusation.

I don't think it was just a matter of playing both sides and supplying drugs to anyone who wanted them. I think it went beyond that. The UN stood alone. The Hells angels didn't like that. The Hells Angels were forced to do business with them but clearly supported the Bacon brothers in their attempt to take over the UN affiliated Red scorpions. Even the Haney Hells angels were sucking up to the UN cheering for the Bacon brothers taking over the old Red scorpions that Haney had beef with.

It is clear that Rob Sidu has connection to the Hells angels. It is clear he got the location of the Bacon brothers to give to someone who wanted to kill them. The UN were the only ones trying to kill them. Yet the Hells angels were cheering for the Bacon brothers all along. That's kind of what I mean about dirty deeds done dirt cheap. That's kind of like hiring someone to kill an informant, then having someone else kill the person you hired to kill the informant. Those are the real rats.

By kaniamazdar with No comments

Operation Fast and Furious

Freddy sent me this link surprisingly enough and I think it's well worth discussing. Especially since we were told that some of the recent drug busts in Kelowna had ties to the Mexican cartels.

The link claims Washington Times journalists cite a "CIA Insider" who claims that Operation Fast and Furious was a Central Intelligence Agency-orchestrated program to arm the Sinaloa drug cartel, a group that was also given the green light to fly tons of cocaine into the United States. No this isn't a Vin Deisel movie, this is real life. IRL.

Former ATF agent William Newell, testified before a Congressional hearing and testified that the Internal Revenue Service, Drug Enforcement Administration and Immigration and Customs Enforcement were “full partners” in Operation Fast and Furious. The Washington times journalists claim their sources stated that the CIA was also involved in that list.

The Obama administration and the ATF claim that the Fast and Furious program was part of a sting operation to catch leading Mexican drug runners, and yet it’s admitted that the government stopped tracking the firearms as soon as they reached the border, defeating the entire object of the mission.

That sounds familiar. Kinda like how when Judge Bonner was with the DEA he complained about the CIA bringing in a ton of cocaine into Florida. The CIA kept denying it over and over again until Judge Bonner went on 60 minutes and documented everything. Then they finally admitted it and said it was a mistake and it was the only occasion. They claimed then, like they claim now, their bringing in the cocaine was part of a sting operation. Gain the bad guys trust to bring in one shipment, then bust them for a later bigger shipment. Only there was no follow up bust.

So Operation Fast and Furious was once again arms in exchange for cocaine. Has the final destination of any of that cocaine been traced? Since there were two huge cross border pot for cocaine drug rings involving the Hells Angels in BC recently, I wonder if any of that cocaine made it's way into Canada?

There have been several cases of arms dealing in the south that claimed to arm the Mexican cartels. I cited one case not long ago that involved the City's mayor and police chief. Don't ya just love American politics? Everything is bigger and better there. Even their scandals.

In that case I cited the boldness of the police chief. After the FBI caught them and confiscated some of the firearms that were being shipped into Mexico and sold to the cartels, the police chief was bold enough to ask for the guns back. Without citing tangible facts, I made a simple speculation. I asked why would the police chief risk his career by asking for the guns back? One possibility was if he had the backing of the CIA, perhaps he felt that operation outranked the FBI and they would in fact return the weapons. That's when everyone got all up in my grill saying that was absurd. Well when we look at the tangible testimony of Operation Fast and Furious, it doesn't sound that far off now does it.

In Operation Fast and Furious, the ATF deny it promoted the operation and found three scapegoats to take the fall. Again. Video clip from Congressional hearing. What did you mean when you said you didn't get this from me?

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