Thursday 25 August 2011

contract law questions and answers

contract law questions and answers

If a term is defined 'Party' and is later referenced as 'Parties' what factors would go to interpreting it as 'all Parties' or 'one or more Parties'? A court will look to the context in which it is used. In those very rare cases where the difference.

How can I give an example of how a conversation between the person answering the phone at a doctor's office and the patient who called could create a contract, demonstrating knowledge of contract law and agency law? the person answering the phone in the dr's office places an order for office supplies or medical.

There exists - in the field of contract law - both contract and non-contract theories of recovery. Depending upon the particular fact situation, a party might file a lawsuit for breach of an express contract in fact or an implied contract in fact. These are both contract theories! A party might.

I subscribe to for internet. I now work for a telecom co & am eligible for reduced staff rates. I contacted Supanet & told them I want to give canx notice, I assumed 1 months would be standard, but was told that the canx would be.


need legal advice in contract law with landlord and tenant issues. Landlord-tenant law governs the rental of commercial and residential property. It is composed primarily of state statutory and common law. A number of states have based their statutory law on either the Uniform Residential Landlord And Tenant Act (URLTA) ( or.

I have got a problem in which I want you help me solving. It is a question regarding contract law which says: About 15 miles from Potters Bar, in quiet countryside, there is a clothing factory with its own factory shop. In the shop window there is a notice stating: 'Limited offer, twenty RD23 anti-fit jeans.

The Problem Omar, aged 17, having finished a pottery course at college, decided to leave home in order to follow his ambition to become a producer and dealer in fine art pottery. He moved to London where he entered into.

Does anyone know what 'time shall be of the essence' in a contract means and what happens if this is not respected? What are the legal consequences? It IS something you usually see in a contract, at least in the US. In contract law, very often time is not a.

if i remember my business law class correctly if there is a contract between two parties and there are say 10 things in the contract that one party needs to abide by and they don't abide by even 1 item in the contract. is this contract void? i thought a contract had.

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This clip from the movie "Gung Ho" illustrates the condition principle in contract law. This clip shows the formation of a condition (within the boundaries of an employment contract). A condition is an event (not certain to occur) which must occur, unless its non-occurrence is excused, before a contract becomes due. In other words, if a condition doesn't occur, then the other party is under no obligation to perform in return. The promisor must perform fully in order to fulfill a condition. Some other concepts to think about in this clip: does Michael Keaton's misrepresentations rise to fraud? Duty to speak? Detrimental reliance? Did the condition come with an implied promise? Why or why not? If so, what was the implied promise? Does substantial performance apply and if so, was there? (hint: check out scene at 1:28)
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