Sunday 21 August 2011

Philadelphia Attorney Publishes Article in Premier European Medical Journal

Blue Bell, PA (PRWEB) May 24, 2011
John T. Salvucci, a Partner in the Complex Litigation Group at Nelson Levine de Luca & Horst (NLdH) has published an article on viral disease transmission in the May 2011 issue of the European medical journal, Cell and Tissue Banking. Mr. Salvucci?s article is titled ?Bone tissue, lyophilized and stored at room temperatures for 15 days or more, is not capable of transmitting HIV, HCV or HBV.?

The article stems from the scientific defense Mr. Salvucci developed while serving as national trial counsel in mass tort litigation. His theories concerning viral disease transmission were adopted by the court and led to the dismissal of hundreds of cases.

Although he has no formal science education, Mr. Salvucci was invited by the International Atomic Energy Agency to participate in a weeklong conference in Austria, where he joined 14 doctors and scientists to discuss inactivation of biocontaminants.

?John?s story and the sequence of events that led to him developing his scientific theory, publishing his article in the elite scientific journal and hobnobbing with scientists at the IAEA is amazing but not truly unexpected,? said NLdH Chairman Michael R. Nelson. ?John is a brilliant attorney with a national legal reputation in the area of medical device, medical products and professional liability exposure issues and litigation.?

Mr. Salvucci has lectured at numerous national and international medical and insurance conferences, including a worldwide conference on medical products in Malaysia in 2009. Last year, he was appointed to the Catastrophic Injury Panel for an international insurer.

With offices in the U.S. and London, NLdH provides comprehensive legal services to the insurance industry in the areas of reinsurance, regulatory, complex litigation, class action, coverage, subrogation, bad faith consulting and insurance fraud. The firm is devoted solely to providing legal representation to the insurance industry. For more information, please visit the NLdH website at

(Editor?s note: The print issue of Cell and Tissue Banking is available this month and has previously been available online.)


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